Raman microscope/microscope

This Raman microscope include an optical microscope to see samples (with eye or capture by a camera attached to the system) combined with a Raman spectroscopy system which works with a Nd:YAG (cw) green laser (532 nm, 100 mW) and packaged in a nice, handy, beautiful, and safe design. This system offers interesting details and resolution in measurements with an improved detection and sensitivity. Spatial resolution on samples of about 12 µm and spectral resolution of 10 cm-1 in the spectral range of 150-4600 cm-1 can be obtained by this system. The measured data then is analyzed by a version of Tunsu software which offers a wide range of control on the recorded spectrum.
This Raman microscope is designed for characterization and identification of small particles as well as organic and inorganic samples in the form of tablets, powders in plastic packages, and liquids in clear and brown bottles … which make it suitable for applications in nanotechnology, polymer sciences, geological and pharmaceutical applications, and several other application.

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