Innovation Programs
- Modular-Program-Based activity
- For more flexibility and agility, the practical structure of Cightech is defined, based on modular programs such that any activity could be described in one or break into more programs. These programs are designed for different stages of technology development and investment risk.
- Some of our programs are:
- Collaborative High-tech Innovation Program (CHIP): Cightech is connected to several academic professors and industrial experts worldwide. We discover a common interest among our associate members and integrate them into a research or R&D proposal that will be submitted to a proper funding agency. Cightech will be one of the project partners who have idea generation, research design, counseling, support of professional and public presentations, and project organization/management role and will receive its fee that is pre-defined in the research plan from funding agencies or other sponsors (e.g. industrial contribution). It is obvious that in this platform we will not charge our academic associate members. We will use information technology to connect our associate members during idea generation and to have continuous and effective control of project development during the project. Moreover, we emphasize on aesthetic, communication, and writing techniques for our professional and public presentations to improve the impact of our project.
- Highway to Innovation for New Talents (HINT): Cightech also invites young talents/researchers who are interested in developing their own ideas/research aiming to achieve a producible prototype and to be prepared for starting up his/her own company. We will find suitable associate members regarding the topic of interest of the young researcher for further development. The young researcher may contribute to Cightech’s activities from idea generation to project management and get counseling and credit support from Cightech to achieve a higher scale of the project with higher funding resources.
- Applied Research Innovation Program (ARIP): This program is designed to help research groups conduct their research activity in such a way that they can commercialize their achievements. This program is very important, especially in less developed countries where university and industry are not tied to each other.
- Sponsor Absorption (SA): For SMEs (e.g. high-tech Co. in tech parks) we first evaluate their technology stage as well as the type and quality of their product and even help to manufacture professionally designed prototype (IDM program) and then pitch to a suitable investor (angel investor, venture capital, or industrial groups) and help the startups to negotiate with investors.
- Open Innovation Program (OIP): We are ready to run or enrich an open innovation program for industrial groups and holdings to maximize their innovation outcomes by discovering and connecting novel external technologies to develop in the industrial sector. We also accept orders from industries to suggest to them a technology for solving their problems. Cightech may contribute to these kinds of products or just link an SME to an industry at the expense of commission.
- Industrial Design & Manufacturing (IDM): One of the most important factors in developing a commercial product is industrial design and a high-quality manufacturing process. Therefore, Cightech has paid special attention to design and manufacturing in the IDM program.
- High-Tech Product Corridor (HTPC): This is a fact that any product needs to be finally promoted in a market. So, Cightech tries to open up new markets for its network of associate members in line with the HTCP program.
- Professional Consultation (PC): In addition to our main services, Cightech gives scientific consultation to industry or academia at the expense of a consultation fee. We will also keep our Intellectual property in anything like research papers or patents that we have professional contribution.
- Contribution in Production and Promotion (CPP): Cightech will contribute in high-tech or green-tech products and/or in marketing and promotion of such products if we are interested.
- Tech-Evaluation (TE): In addition to project progress assessments includes in CHIP, Cightech offers evaluation services for tech-parks and other higher level organizations to assess progress of tech-companies and SMEs during working year.
Figure below is a schematic presentation of Cightech’s interaction with other role players of innovation ecosystem based on modular programs. The bold programs are essential with direct interaction and the arrowed programs are non-direct related programs.