September 25-26, 2023 | Paris, France
Theme: “Imparting the Ethical applications of Biomaterials in Industries and Medical Research”
European Congress on Biomaterials and Biodevices
We’re honored to invite you to speak at “ECBIOMAT2023” during September 25-26, 2023 in Paris, France curated by a Panel of Organizing Committee Members. Your experience will be an excellent addition to this congress and we would also love to hear your thoughts and ideas at this congress. ECBIOMAT2023 will host a series of Oral & Poster Presentations, Workshops, Symposium, Exhibitions & many more.
Dear Colleagues, It’s with great pleasure that we welcome all the investigators in the field of Biomaterials and Bio-devices( ECBIOMAT- 2023), which will be held in Paris, France on September 25, 26- 2023 The ideal of ECBIOMAT- 2023 is to be a premier multinational forum to punctuate new developments, to partake new ideas, exploration results and development gests, and give networking openings with peers to help establish connections for early- career scientists to meet a different blend of experimenters, decision- makers to strengthen being connections and forge new bones. Also, the main docket of this conference is to bring together world-leading academics, interpreters, assiduity leaders, policymakers, and business professionals from the fields of Biomaterials to develop practical results for current challenges in these fields. The conference series has featured grand addresses, keynote addresses, special sessions, bill donations, shops, and contributed papers each time. We do hope you can make time in your busy schedule for the meeting and partake your ideas on the content of your choice and be a part of this successful conference.
We’re looking forward to seeing you in Paris.
For more information please visit:
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