20th World Nephrology Conference

February 22-23, 2024 | Zurich, Switzerland
Theme: “Global Innovations and Breakthroughs in Nephrology & Renal Sciences”

The Conference Series LLC Ltd is delighted to invite you to the “20th World Nephrology Conference” in Zurich, Switzerland on February 22-23, 2024. The conference was titled “WORLD NEPHROLOGY 2024”.

The Nephrology conference serves as a significant platform for healthcare professionals, researchers, and experts in nephrology to gather and exchange knowledge, insights, and the latest advancements. These conferences provide a unique opportunity to discuss emerging trends, cutting-edge research, and innovative treatment modalities related to kidney health and diseases. Attendees benefit from attending keynote presentations, panel discussions, workshops, and poster sessions that cover a wide range of topics, including chronic kidney diseases, transplantation, dialysis techniques, hypertension, and more. Nephrology conferences also foster networking among professionals, facilitating collaborations and sharing best practices. Such events contribute to the continuous improvement of patient care, the dissemination of evidence-based practices, and the overall advancement of nephrology as a medical discipline.

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