Alter Design Group is formed in line with the strategy of CIGHTech innovation center to include design process in development mechanisms of innovative products and services. Alter design group offers product design, manufacturing, furniture design, interior design, etc, alongside high-tech value adding teams of projects.
One of these multidisciplinary projects is ThemeTech. ThemeTech is an attempt to provide B2B services for health/beauty/sport service providers such as medical and beauty clinics/salons, gyms, and etc, and is managed by two teams: Integral Technology Network and Alter Design Group. The current catalogue presents our offers in furniture and interior design.
The summary of Alter design group services is as follows:
• Design and produce customized and built-in furniture.
• Moss interior and decoration design
• Parametric furniture and interior
• Decorative walls
• Smart Workspace Design with IoT/smart devices and Smart Materials