Smart Workspace Design service is an attempt to realize futuristic luxury workspace. This offer is fully multidisciplinary activity of interior, furniture and product design, as well as technologies such as IoT, AI, face recognition, smart material/devices, advanced materials …
SWD is wonderful offer for office, medical clinic, beauty saloon/clinic, pharmacy and drug store, gym, bank, restaurant, pavilion, shop/mall, … We design workspace using “smart glass technology” to create smart private area only with a touch key used for conference room, shower bath, locker room, etc.
We offer IoT hardware as well as internal management software for clinics and saloons that can be also connected to proper reservation apps related to beauty, medicine, sport, … with their own multi-featured profile and marketing plan. Our smart self-service kiosk (thin, light weight, fast, multi task) also is wonderful offer in designing smart reception desk, smart and interactive environmental advertising, IoT device to connect to bank system and reservation apps, connection to other IoT devices and etc. Smart and green automation system based on devices such as our smart thermostat is used to control, monitor and optimize energy consumption of workspace.
This system facilitate the service provider to have smart customer club based on their characteristics, multi-connection facilities with customers and grading system, smart online and environmental advertisement, online/offline reservation services, …